Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Illegal (non-TOS) Items (poses, etc.)

IMVU is on the warpath bigtime for non-TOS items, especially "installed" poses, etc., i.e. items that are installed in your inventory that show you as the developer. They are now concentrating on "Twinkle" poses and items, bought from "Twinkle2U", "Twinkle4U", etc. IMVU is closing accounts at a rapid rate, and has a high priority on doing so. I kid you not, this is an All-Points Witch-Hunt, people.

At this time we can't figure out how the items are being detected in inventory. We have contact with a person inside IMVU who is involved in this effort, but that source can only say so much, and could be fired just for talking with us. We did get a tip though: hide your non-TOS items in your inventory. It isn't absolute insurance against detection, but apparently DOES make them harder to find. I infer from this that the search is occurring on other levels.

Of course everyone can do as they please, but my take on this is: I want the stuff out of my account ASAP, and that's what I'm trying to get done. I've got too much invested in my account to lose it over this issue or any other. We have a general message from Twinkle stating their installers can and will DELETE their items from your inventory. So far we have not confirmed this, and at least one competing installer says that cannot be done. I'm inclined to think it can be....we'll keep you posted.

Please, anyone with any input or info on this, post a reply here.

Known ways to get busted:

1) Publish the item, and/or attempt to sell it.

2) Install or use the item in a public room.

3) Post pics in your Gallery of the item in use. This HAS caused accounts and items to be lost, and IMVU has plenty of blue-nose prudes who voluntarily spend their time searching galleries for pics of non-TOS items in use.

4) Use the item with or in view of someone you don't know and trust. Also, someone you DO know and trust may turn on you after a fight, etc., and report you.

1 comment:

  1. menaceuk i had my accounts hacked when reporting to imvu they just deleted my acocunts i lo9st numberous numbers of accounts at the time buyin the items from twinkle4u they did not aware us that is was illegal imvu simply deleted our accounts after investing consideras amounts of money they still ban us even if they have no ufi why dont they prosecute twinkle4u and how come the programs wor with imvu program take a look at it
